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reTHINK Evenings

rethink evenings feature activists, artists and thinkers to advance bold, feminist and intersectional ways to rethink, reframe and reboot ideas, politics and practices on gender, sexuality, consent, pleasure, disability and more.

These evenings began as a series of gatherings leading up to reconference and have proven to be an important opportunity to advance intersectional feminist discourses through art, media, performances and seminars. To date, these boundary-pushing dialogues have taken place in Delhi, Kampala, Nairobi, and New York.

Recognizing that hard ideas take time and continuing with the aim to change public attitudes, judgment and thoughts on these complex topics, CREA has supported the occurrence of rethink evenings long after reconference – providing a critical space to further these conversations and seeding ways to think differently about these issues.

Madhavi Menon’s book: Infinite Variety – A history of desire in India.

reThink Evenings: A conversation on desire Madhavi Menin with Shohinin Ghosh poster
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