Global Dialogue on Disability and Abortion
October 2018, Nairobi, Kenya CREA hosted a global dialogue aimed at bridging the long-standing divisions between disability rights activists and…
October 2018, Nairobi, Kenya CREA hosted a global dialogue aimed at bridging the long-standing divisions between disability rights activists and…
New York, U.S.A, 2018 CREA, in partnership with the Global Health Justice Partnership of the Yale Law School and the…
December 2017, Marrakech, Morocco CREA identified the need for a convening that critiques the meanings and implications of anti-gender and…
January 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka To address key tensions and fractures that divide the women’s rights, LGBTQI, sexual and reproductive…
October 2014, Bellagio, Italy CREA, along with Amnesty International, the Human Rights Programme at Harvard Law School, and the Global…
March 2009, Bangkok, Thailand CREA, in partnership with SANGRAM’s Centre for Advocacy on Stigma and Marginalization (CASAM), brought together activists…
December 2008, New York, USA In partnership with the Global Network of Sex Work Projects and the Open Society Foundations’…
October 2007, New Jersey, USA In partnership with the Center for Women’s Global Leadership and the Youth Coalition, this global…
February 2005, New Delhi, India The Inter South Dialogue was an effort to link the discourses on sexual and reproductive…
October 2005, Bangkok, Thailand The Women’s Health and Human Rights Initiative of Columbia University collaborated with CREA, Women Living Under…
November 2005, Bangkok, Thailand Co-hosted by the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID), this global dialogue explored how diverse…
July, 2004, Bellagio, Italy The first global dialogue explored emerging issues and challenges in the global efforts to end violence…