Raisa Phillip
Raisa is the Manager – Programs and Innovation at CREA with the team that addresses CREA’s Strategic Objective 3 aiming to build responses to gender-based violence, expand and promote well-being, security and rights, and challenge punitive approaches. Her primary areas of engagement is with CREA’s work as a part of the Count Me In! (CMI!) consortium, the challenging the criminalization agenda, and CREA’s initiative on feminist faultiness.
For over 10 years Raisa has been working with rights based interventions on HIV/AIDS, child rights, gender justice and political participation of young people. Her work has included program implementation, policy building, network development, and research. She holds a M.A in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and an M.A in Gender and Development from the Institute of Development Studies.
Before joining CREA, Raisa was working as a research consultant engaged in critically mapping development interventions with girls, for the Rejuvenate project at the Institute of Development Studies. Her specific areas of interest include building strategies to counter gender backlash and violence, re-shaping our understanding around women’s work, and building safe spaces for children and young people to participate in the politics around them. She is a firm believer in building experimental, collaborative and innovative spaces that promote discussion and critical thinking.
She currently co-runs the book club at Young People for Politics (@yppbookclub on Instagram) as a part of these experiments. In her free time Raisa likes to travel, read, try different kinds of food (she hardly cooks), or just sit.